Publishing the newsletter as a blog

Our newsletter has been going out by email without having our own permanent page and link here at, but here we are now with a blog section. We’ll be continuing to send newsletters out by email, but also posting the contents as blog posts here for convenience of sharing and discovery.

We have a Jekyll static site, thanks to the folks who initially set up the Data Transfer Project and its site. Jekyll natively supports markdown files and blog post history, so we’ve added that into the site. Stay tuned for more to come - both more newsletters, and more site content other than newsletters.

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Catch up on the latest from DTI

  • partners
Working with industry
  • tools
Data Transfer Initiative members Apple and Google introduce new photo and video transfer tool
  • policy
How data portability can help improve online safety
  • news
DTI’s vision for the future of EU tech policy
  • AI
Digging in on personal AI portability
  • news
Previews of Upcoming DTI Activity
  • policy
Data Portability Language in U.S. Federal Law
  • policy
Supporting effective portability under the DMA
  • social
In the shadow of the New Colossus
  • events
Reporting out on the Data Transfer Summit