Policy Work

  • Our work on portability policy means that we talk to many policy-makers, directly or via publications and articles.
  • Much of our focus right now is on trust frameworks. This blog post is a good introduction.


Current Events

We are planning a London Event, Dates to be announced soon.

Past Events

Spring Policy Event in DC — Empowerment through Portability

The Data Transfer Summit — Empowerment through Portability event convenes academics, regulators and industry in DC to discuss difficult policy questions and the future of data portability policy. Agenda, Speaker bios and livestream link available now!

Check out the Data Portability Compendium Papers.

The Federated Data Transfer Miniconference

On September 27th and 28th — (08:00 Pacific, 11:00 Eastern, 15:00 UTC) — the Data Transfer Initiative hosted our first online conference for social software developers, the Federated Data Transfer Miniconference.

The full Federated Data Transfer Miniconference Event Report is now available.

Data Transfer Project - Open Source

A third-party trust model for direct personal data transfers

Data portability is a powerful tool to allow individuals to exercise more agency over personal data. While its origins lie in data protection and fundamental rights contexts, and that context remains salient, portability’s nexus to competition gives it new relevance. Portability helps consumers have more choices of services, and it helps businesses both to compete over similar service offerings and to innovate new features and functions. To take full advantage of these benefits, portability is evolving from a tool principally exercised by individual users requesting and receiving their data from a service provider via download, to implementation through direct transfers, where a user requests a data host to transfer personal data directly to a third party.

The question that arises as a consequence of this shift is, how to build trust in these direct transfers. Exchanges of personal data are not without risk. DTI counts privacy and security among its core principles: “Platforms should not be required to substantially threaten the privacy and security of individual users or the platforms. Platforms may require baseline privacy and security standards, including shared certification or accreditation processes, as a condition of enabling data transfer.” This report is an exercise in coordinating the development of such standards.

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This video serves as a good introduction to the Data Transfer Project's goals and participants. The DTP is a project within the DTI, which continues to grow and be developed today.

Learn more about DTI and our work! About DTI