Announcement of Data Transfer Summit - Empowerment through Portability

With the Digital Markets Act’s compliance deadline of March 7 just around the corner, Data Transfer Initiative (DTI) will convene expert panels of policymakers, academics, regulators and industry on the difficult policy questions surrounding the future of data portability. The summit will combine cutting edge research with practical considerations of implementation, surfacing both the challenges and the immense opportunities that lie ahead.

See event page and RSVP form for details.

Blog post image of National Union Building by NCinDC

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Data Transfer Initiative members Apple and Google introduce new photo and video transfer tool
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How data portability can help improve online safety
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DTI’s vision for the future of EU tech policy
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Digging in on personal AI portability
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Previews of Upcoming DTI Activity
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Data Portability Language in U.S. Federal Law
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Supporting effective portability under the DMA
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In the shadow of the New Colossus
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Reporting out on the Data Transfer Summit